
MayaLu Pumik medium

Top left to right: Mayalu’s Ares, Mayalu’s Artemis, Mayalu Apollo’s Race to the Stars (Owned by Rebecca Sliger)
Bottom left to right: Kemences Barita Almaspite (Owned by Tammy Hall), Braviary Big Ben, Abiqua Cicelle, Akinnaz Knixa


Mayalu’s Ares OAJ (Krieger)

Born: 11/11/2012; Height: 16.75″ (AKC agility measurement); Hips: OFA Good, Elbows: Normal, DM: Clear, PLL: Clear

Krieger at 6 months

Krieger at 6 months

Braviary Big Ben CD RA NAJ (Ben)

Born: 4/22/2013;  Height: 15.75″; Hips OFA Good, Elbows: Normal, Eyes: Normal, Patellas: Normal, DM: Clear, PLL: Clear; Norwegian import

Ben at 8 months

Ben pedigree


MACH 2 Abiqua Cicelle RN MXS MJG OF (Bella)

Born: 4/9/2007;  Height: 15″ (AKC Agility Measurement); Hips: OFA Good, Elbows: Normal, Eyes: Normal, Patellas: Normal, DM: Clear, PLL: Clear

Photo by Carrie De Young.

Bella in Belgium at 6 years old. Photo by Carrie De Young.

Bella Pedigree

Akinnaz Knixa BN RA NA OAJ (Knixa)

Born: 5/26/2012;  Height: 15.25″ (AKC agility measurement); Hips: OFA Excellent, Elbows: Normal, Eyes: Normal, DM: Clear, PLL: Clear;

Swedish Import (Regi Vagyam Borizs X Pilisi-Kocos Cserfes )

Knixa at 10 months old

Knixa at 10 months old

Knixa pedigree

Mayalu’s Artemis OAJ (Aria)

Born: 11/11/2012; Height: 15.25″ (AKC agility measurement); Hips OFA Good, Elbows: Normal, Eyes: Normal, Patellas: Normal

Aria at 13 months

Aria at 13 months

Aria's Pedigree